
9、交易損益計算Practical Trading on Futures & Options

若想透過模擬的方式來熟悉期貨交易流程,可以透過本單元瞭解如何操作模擬交易平台來體驗期貨市場。Profit or loss is the main concern for investors, this unit teaches you how to calculate P/L for each product and introduces Virtual Exchange. Virtual Exchange provides investors a simulated trading environment, you could simulate P/L on this platform.

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9.1 臺股期貨(含小型臺指)TAIEX Futures (including Mini-TAIEX Futures)03:34
9.2 臺指選擇權TAIEX Options02:07
9.3 股票期貨Single Stock Futures01:47
9.4 國外股價指數期貨Foreign Equity Index Futures01:25
9.5 商品類商品Commodity Products01:23
9.6 匯率類商品FX Products01:21
9.7 虛擬交易所Virtual Exchange01:05